Imagine sipping on a cup of coffee in the morning, with
a slice of toast and butter. You’re enjoying the early morning before work when
suddenly, your son or daughter bursts into the kitchen.
“Dad, I want an eScooter!
They’re so cool. All my friends have one!”
An electric scooter? Yes, an eScooter! Those things that look like a regular kick scooter, but is powered by electricity stored in a rechargeable battery. It’s a great choice for children who want to feel more like adults but can’t quite ride a motorcycle or eBike yet. This makes eScooters a perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas or just because you want your kids to enjoy the outdoors a bit more often.
At SWAGTRON®, we have plenty of scooters — electric or
otherwise. More importantly, we have electric scooters that some parents might
find perfect for their little ones, because the scooters give these young
riders a taste of that throttle life without going full-on electric. More on
that in a bit. But first . . .
How to Choose an eScooter for Younger Children?
We all know that with age, we become wiser. That means
that a 20-year-old is less likely to muddy up a brand new eScooter than a
9-year-old and probably won’t trade their eScooter for something valueless.
Yes, it does happen. Children aren’t experts in economics.
So logically, a good eScooter for children would be not as
expensive as the ones intended for adults. An example would be the
SWAGTRON® Swagger SK1 Electric Scooter, which comes in a bright red or
pink design and a low price point of $75 to $100.
Now that we’ve outlined one potential eScooter for your
child, it’s time to discuss what makes an eScooter child friendly. Usually, we
expect children to grow with age. You buy them new clothes, and
suddenly they’ve outgrown them. The same thing can happen with an
eScooter. Luckily, SK1 eScooters come with an adjustable stem, so you don’t
have to buy a new one every few months. If only we could do the same with our
The SK1 Kick-Start Scooter for kids.
Also, this eScooter boasts an impressive, durable steel
frame that outperforms plastic scooters by miles. And once a speed of 3mph is
reached, the rear motor kicks in for an additional boost up to 6mph.
Another option is the SK3
Glide Foldable eScooter, which, as the name implies, can be folded into a
compact size in a flick of an eye. Retailing between $125 and $150, it offers
every advantage of an eScooter at a lower price. Not only does it have an
adjustable aluminum stem that can be raised as the kid grows, its wheels are
equipped with LED lights. So, when dusk falls, these eScooters give a whole new
meaning to Friday Night Lights.
The foldable SK3 Glide Kick-Start Scooter.
Lastly, we come to the Metro
SK3 Electric Kick-Start Scooter. It has a similar design and frame of
the SK3 Glide, only without the fold.This
one gives kids a 15-second boosted speed control on demand. With a durable
aluminum alloy stem and 135-pound rider capacity, it is a great choice for most
children and is a sure-fire way for parents to gain some brownie points.
The Metro SK3 Kick-Start Scooter.
What Comes After the Amateur Phase?
So far, we’ve operated under the assumption that your child is under the age of 9 or 10. But what if you have a pre-teen or even a teenager? What if your 13-year-old suddenly got tired of the same old skateboard and asked for a new, shiny toy? Well then, that’s where the Swagger Pro 3 comes in. Say goodbye to waiting all night for the battery to charge and say hello to going from 0-100 percent in less than 3 hours. You can even power other mobile devices with the built-in USB port. I mean, what’s the point of tearing up the streets, without telling your friends about it?
Not only that, but your child can cover some serious
ground with speeds reaching up to 15.5mph, with cruise control at the push of a
button. Great power does come at an added cost, but models are still
priced competitively at less than $249.99.
Now that you’ve become more familiar with eScooters, you
can surprise your son or daughter with a shiny gift for Christmas, their
birthday or even just for being so special! And who knows, it may even earn you
the Parent of the Century award if such a thing exists. And
with SWAGTRON’s track record and warranty, you can sit back, relax
and finish enjoying that morning cup of coffee.