K3 Kids Balance Bike Description
Learning how to ride a bike is one of the first adventures we embark on as kids. And with the K3 Balance Bike from SWAGTRON, learning to ride is easy as walking. Crafted from sturdy aluminum alloy frame, the K3 supports kids up to 55 pounds while maintaining a kid-friendly weight of just under seven pounds. It’s perfect for kids ages 2 to 5, helping them improve their balance, coordination and stamina. All without the hassle of frustrating or wobbly training wheels. Every child remembers when they first learned how to ride a bike. Make those memories count.
Most of us might have learned to ride a bike using training wheels. And it worked for us, right? Why not for your child? Training wheels are usually reserved for children five years old and older. But balance bikes give kids as young as 2 years old a head start on learning to ride a bike, using the skills your child has already learned — standing and walking.
With training wheels, young riders focus too much energy on pedaling and not enough on improving their balance. When the training wheels come off, they’ll still have to contend with gravity and learning how to keep the bike upright. A balance bikes is a better teaching solution for new riders.
Unlike tricycles or bicycles with training wheels, toddlers can hop on their K3 and start “riding” around from day one. If you think your child may be too young or too small for a balance bike, start them out on a K6 4-in-1 toddler scooter first. The K3 would then make for a more seamless future transition to a pedal bike.
The recommended age for training wheels is between 4 and 5 years old. But a well-designed balance bike can help toddlers as young as two years old develop the proper dexterity and stamina needed for riding a bike – no training wheels needed!
The K3 lets your kids get the true feel of riding a bike. Its air-filled rubber tires hug the pavement better than the solid foam or hard plastic of other brands. The result? A riding experience that’s smooth, fluid and lets your kid get the true feel for riding a bike.
The seat adjusts to make riding a more comfortable experience. The seat’s height ranges between 12 and 16 inches, which means it will accommodate inseam lengths between 13 and 17 inches. The seat’s padding is supportive and soft enough to prevent chafing.
Other balance bikes are built either with solid steel that’s too heavy for young riders, or cheap plastic that won’t last long with active kids. The K3 is built with reinforced aluminum alloy that weighs just under 7 pounds but can support riders that weigh up to 55 pounds.
Kid-friendly grip handles are made from soft yet firm rubber, perfect for young hands. The ergonomic design helps make the K3 easier for learners to handle and control.
The K3 comes with all the tools necessary for assembly. In a matter of minutes, your kid will be up and running, improving their balance and hand-eye coordination in no time.
The K3 Balance Bike comes with a 90-day limited warranty and is backed by an expert team of support specialists, fully staffed in the U.S. and available via live chat, phone and email. Have a question? Need help? Just reach out for expedited service.
Young riders should be accompanied by their parent or guardian while riding. All riders should always wear age-appropriate protective gear while riding — including knee and elbow pads and an ASTM-certified helmet. Ride Smart!